Welcome to the Community Bible Church!
We are a small part of the body of Christ, witnessing to the
Spring Valley/Chippewa Valley Community
and to the ends of the earth with the Gospel of Christ.
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
Ps 42:1-2 (NIV)
Services | ||
Adult Sunday School
Sunday | 9:00 am |
Worship Service | Sunday | 10:00 am |
Join us in person or via Zoom at the following link: Due to constraints with Zoom, the Zoom broadcast begins at 10:15. |
Men's Bible Study |
Tuesday | 9:30 am |
Women's Bible Study | Tuesday | 10:00am |
Thursday Bible Study | Thursday | 6:30 pm |

Recent Video Message
Videos of messages are available under the Sermons tab.
Our Story
Community Bible Church began in the early 1970's as a group of believers gathering together to study Scriptures. Eventually, they were led to establish a local congregation of believers, Community Bible Church. They joined together for worship, study, fellowship, and encouragement. As a body they worked to build one another up, to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and do the work in the field around them.
Now over 40 years later, Community Bible Church continues to be a family of believers and followers of Jesus Christ in the Spring Valley/ Chippewa Valley area. We continue to seek to proclaim the glory of our Lord, to build the Kingdom and each other up, and to work the fields in this area and abroad. We gladly invite 'all who would come to Him' to join us and for those who do not yet know the joy of knowing Jesus as Savior to come and hear the Good News of the Gospel of God.
Our Staff